Randy comes and puts Bacon Grease on your dick to make it fit in his mouth
It won't fit.. Well better get to Dick Slicken!
to my dick: like saying i don't like him but in a more disrespectful way.
M-"You know J?"
W-"Yea, J to my dick, he a bitch"
To stick your dick inside of a trumpet, and for it to play.
Well after he fucked the trumpet, he became a trumpet dick!
His dick is now the shape of a trumpet, and can play the trumpet on its own!
same as chic on the side except with d
girl, how's your dick on the side?
he done me good last night!
When your girl friend is sexually satified.
Girl!!!! I'm feeling so dick-a-fied this morning. My man dicked me down real good last night.
Referring to a type of guy. When you're having sex with a guy and need to pay extra attention not to do or say something to upset him or be too demanding or his or is goes limp - falls like a soufflé. Then you have to start all over again and be very careful not to make any sudden movements or loud noises that will upset him. When a woman has to be passive and gentle during sex not to intimidate a man.
Why did you and Chris break up? The sex was not fun. He was a soufflé dick. Every time I got excited and told him to fuck me hard, started moving or asked to get on top his would lose his erection.