Andrew is an ugly rat, that dated my bestie Angelena, and he deserves to die
An Andrew is a person who is very short, believes he is god, VERY BLONDE!, and is kinda cutie patootie, but also very popcorn. He is besties with Logan/ kinlee (I HATE HER)/ brin/ the hottest girl,Sydnee
Sydnee: Wtf who is that cute little boy who is Professor Ray?!!!!!?!
Brin: oh that’s Andrew
my amazing, handsome, funny, sweet, kind ONLY boyfriend; who which i love so much!!
also addicted to wearing wife beaters AND ELMO
i love you andrew!! - celia
Morbidly obese baseball lover he also loves cars.
Andrew Andrew obese
A good pisces friend who have good online relationships, however, is shy in real life.
However, don't have an opinion different from him else he will use his Tracomat on you.
Andrew, when will Infinity Marx be ready ?
An Andrew is unnecessarily competitive in all aspects of life. Despite this, he is most likely to be found sleeping until 1pm or watching youtube for 13 hours a day instead of doing any sort of productive activity. He is probably vegan.
Person A: I'm not coming to the BBQ, I'm a vegan.
Person B: Ok Andrew.
Person A: I would win if I tried, but I'd watch youtube videos instead. But I would beat you if I wanted to.
Person B: Please shut up and stop being such an Andrew.