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big hommie chilling

To be lazy

Hey where's Mike?
He hasn't gotten out of his house that mf is big hommie chilling

by Bigpapi6936 January 7, 2024

blunt and chill

When someone wants you to smoke and get high with them , with the intention on having sex

I asked Mike to blunt and chill but he couldn't sneak out

by CCUQ April 7, 2016


Chill means to relax

Let's go back to my yard and chill

by Henry832 February 23, 2016


I didn’t realise he was chill like that

I didn’t realise he was chill like that”

by KimiRaikkonen7 October 13, 2022


when miss bell aint in the room

shes gone chill now

by leathle October 9, 2019


Cool, rad, sick, wicked etc. A lot of the time associated with someone with sunglasses.

you: dude, that guy is cool. I wanna talk to him.
person: you gotta be chill af. perhaps wear some sunglasses.

by twentyonepunks July 12, 2015


word used by men to describe a woman who doesn’t share her needs or wants to the man she is seeing is a casual or serious relationship- is totally cool with him doing whatever he wants, whoever he wants, whenever he feels like it. If a man thinks you're "chill," it's a compliment, but it also probably means he's getting his cake and eating it too.

Guy: "I have a crush on this girl who has twins."

Girl: "wow, you think you could date someone who has kids?"
Guy: "yeah, why not?"
Girl: "it's just a big responsibility."
Guy: "well if the girl's chill, ya know?"

by feminismizlyfe September 29, 2014