Jim:"Hey its Lynn, didn't I see you from College"
Lynn's Husband:"Oh you can't call her that name, I uhh didn't give you permission to, shes my personal name whore."
If you know a person named Charlie, you have to cuddle with them on this day.
"Oh, Hey! It's National "Cuddling With People Named Charlie" Day! Charlie, I guess we have to cuddle!"
Name that a person used to be referred to before coming out as trans
You should NEVER EVER refer to ANY TRANS PERSON by their dead name
Name shaming is sth you are only allowed to do against people named Alex. Also the word Alex is an insult
If you’re named Alex be sure i’ll be name shaming you
A cool ass nigga that has fans
Guy 1: "Hey... You know Jaiden but with a last name starting with M?"
Guy 2: "Yeah He's a cool ass nigga that has fans"
Halfie is the name of a VERY lovely person :3 halfie is THE BEST BOI and everybody loves him
halfie is also an e-gurl
A: how’s it going?
B: ITS GREAT :DDD I’ve been with halfie today
A: OMG SO COOL, halfie is the best
Name Halfie is a person named halfie (or halfdan)
Bunch of people that believe what your name means on urban dictionary. At the end of the day YOU ARE NOT EVERYTHING THAT IS MENTIONED IN UB IN FACT YOU ARE THE OPPOSITE
Hey Show your name on ig so it can describe your personality that you wish you were