Diagonal nosing is the act of inserting your nose into a woman's belly button, whether sexual or non-sexual is irrelevant.
"Hey, bro, did you hear what Max did to Cait?"
"No, man, what happened?"
"He diagonal nosed her, dude."
"Oh, dang, bro, I didn't know she was into diagonal nosing."
diagonal nosing is the act of inserting your nose into a woman's belly button, whether sexual or non-sexual is irrelevant.
Can be a serious moment or just a laughable act.
"Hey, bro, did you hear what Max did to Cait?"
"No, man, what did he do?"
"He shoved his nose into her bellybutton! He diagonal nosed her, bro!"
"Ah, dang, dude, I didn't know she was into diagonal nosing."
A perfectly executed face first dive into a soft bed
It's been a long day and I'm tired. I'm going home and doing an Olympic gold medal nose dive into the bed!
Dave: did you see those two guys go in the bogs?
Alan: yeah pal i think they went in for a couple of lines of Nose Talc
To be able to snort the same about of force in each nostril
He snorted so much blow. He must be nose-edextrious
The act of snorting cocaine, often in copious amounts.
Did you see Max last night? He served up some righteous nose justice!
The act of ejaculating into a woman's nasal cavity.
theodore: did you fuck Crystal yet?
Gabriel: i did one better, I gave that stupid bitch an Iranian nose job. I'll be surprised if I didn't give her permanent brain damage.