To only have balls to text people shit, not to actually say it to their face.
No balls texting: when one room mate doesn't have the balls to say things to your face so they resort to texting you.
Texting with your cock instead of your fingers and thumbs
I was cock texting the other day now I have gonorrhea
Having a desire to maintain communication with someone without actually speaking on the phone. Similar to arm's length but more high tech.
Friend: "Johnny's really cool."
Me: "I wouldn't know. He talks so much that I try to keep a text length distance from him."
Means when u text or respond to a text too slow , like grandma would knowing she doesn't know what to do with a text mechanism phone.
Whitney: Everytime i text shannon, she always reponds two hours from then !*frowning n frustrated*
Brandi: girl u know she is a grandma texter, she slow as hell!! lol
You text them a couple questions and they respond usually with one word boring response. Such as "I'm ok" Also when telling them a story they text you back one word such as "oh" or "really" leaving you feeling like ok this person is a total bore and you really don't want to text them anymore. But it really sux cuz it's
A family member or a dumb text friend
I text idiot , Hi hru? What are you doing today? is your dog feeling any better today? Text response I'm good
Text-perving is the act of looking at somebody's text while they are texting somebody else. Usually frowned upon by society because of a presumed 'breach of privacy'.
Despite that, this act is very helpful in day to day life, social problems and so forth.
how did you know i was going to plan that kidnap?
i was text-perving you..
stop text-perving me!
Exactly what it sounds like: You're sending a message (usually a NSFW message to your girlfriend/boyfriend) and you realize that you should look before you send - Because that just went to someone whom you REALLY don't want to see it, usually your mother.
Hey babe, my parents aren't home. Let's do it tonight ;)
*5 seconds later*
"You're grounded, young man!"