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Slow walk locker

A group of people/a person who walk really slow in public place and jams other's way too.

I am not slow walk locker.

by Atractivo March 28, 2017

The Walk of mother's shame

Just like the walk of shame but when it's your mother

Deena had to do the walk of mother's shame or of her ex husband's room at his house with a hangover, to her ex's car so he could drive her to the bar to pick up her car, only to greet her own mother who was there visiting the children.

by Rennnn1121 November 1, 2020

Walking the brown mile

Used to describe the uncomfortable walk to the nearest toilet to drop ones load. Can also be seen in the workplace when a thoughtful colleague will often bypass the nearest shitter and make the walk to a more isolated location to make the experience more relaxing .

Hi Bob, good weekend?

Hi Sue , great thanks, I can’t stop and talk , I’m walking the brown mile right now but I’ll meet you for coffee at 10 ?
No worries Bob, have a safe journey.

by Sunday’s at dundys October 3, 2020

walking dead addiction

An addiction to a badass Zombie (aka walker) killing show that has no known cure but to watch more.

I have a walking dead addiction, but I can't stop watchin it!

by DixonVixon101 September 10, 2017

dead man walking

a person who has seen & experienced many harsh things & situations, causing them to be resilient & appear emotionally numb, anhedonic, & expressionless, resembling someone who is dead

also used to described a person who has faced death but refuses to die

yo have you seen thomas after that car accident happened he’s like a dead man walking

my doctor told my family i wasn't supposed to wake up from my coma, im a dead man walking

by johnblay7756 June 1, 2023

2👍 1👎

Warm Boy Walk

A walk with a friend that is full of jovial banter resulting in an improvement in your overall well-being.

Just has a Warm Boy Walk with John, and I feel like I can manage the next sixty minutes of my life.

by BottledIt December 7, 2022

walking nutella jar

a joke used in goofy ahh youtube comments, often is used with the elderly man emoji, walking nutella jar simply means a black person

"it was that walking nutella jar"

by normie4555 August 9, 2023