an old ass meme where you throw something aggressively that every cosplayer/tumblr artist uses to act funny
annoying ass tumblr girl,”just got accepted into art school,yeet”
Abreviation for Yes Feet. Anyone who says this is secretly and openly expressing their taboo desire for their foot fetish.
Me: Hey Mush, please pass the Xbox controller.
Mush: YEET!!
1. an act of throwing something.
1. a way to express happiness
"The bitch is empty, yeet"
"I can't believe he's ok! Yeet yeet!"
To yeet means to YEET or tjrow something and say "yeet" at the same time. Also, you can go ahead and jump or "YEET" yourself over something.
Example: When alex finished he food, he yeeted his plate into the trash can.
Example No.2 : I yeeted my baby into the crib.