a style that is a mix of emo and preppy. typical scene girl hair:short, choppy layers with wisps of hair being the long length. long bangs in face flipped to the side. layers teased up. wears mainly dark clothes, but throws in a splash of bright color, such a purple or pink. wears dark makeup and almost never has their natural color hair. a lot of scene people smoke weed or do some other drugs, but are never drug addicts. scene people tend to be laid back and calm, but drama queens at times. rare scene people can be talkative and happy a lot, but definetly have their emo moments
look at her hair. that is so scene
she is such a scene queen
Scene is a subculture with a similar style as emo, but would usually have brighter, probably neon, colors and are more social than emo and goth. They are usually the ones who would most likely start rave parties. If you need a great and exciting party, go to a scene kid and they'll know what to do.
Guy 1: have you seen that scene kid the other day?
Guy 2: yeah. the colors she wears can light up the whole damn night.
How ugly little androgynous kids dress these days. A result of the decline of testosterone levels in males since the early 70's due to additives and perervatives in the American diet. As a result adolescents and even full grown men suffer from lithe and underveloped bodies. They suffer from emotional moodswings as a result of increased estrogen levels. They mainly listen to emo music and like hanging out with girls but generally can't or don't want to get past first base. They even take on women's fashion as exhibited by thier skinny tight jeans, long hair and eye liner that they wear.
Joe: Yo, check at that dude, he is so scene.
John: Are you sure that's a dude?
Like emos only more colorful.
It's that simple.
Judgmental person"Look at the slag over there"
Other person "That's not a slag that's a scene girl."
J.P.: "Oh, sorry I can't tell the differnece."
O.P: "You're an arse."
A new fashion scene that involves unisex clothing, ridiculous haircuts and a love for going to random spots in town to socialize. though not immediately obnoxious, scene kids tend to spend there time squealing, getting drunk, hugging each other and being above all else....boring. They often have a tendency to act like very small children who discovered sex and drugs when they were 3. over all a sort of grotesque and disgusting crowd that will have you getting tested for stds, hating anything that involves little kids toys and television show, hating all sorts of crunkxcore and hardcore music in general, and wanting to take a shower and never get a nasty ass haircut like that in you life.
Dude: Hey whats up?
Scene girl: omg HUGZ! I LOV YOU BICH! omGomGomG!
(squeling continues for next 30 minutes)
Dude: so what are you guys doing?
Scene girl: um omg were getting a 40 and getting CRUNK
Dude: a 40? theres like 50 people here!
Scene girl: i KNOW its Gonna be so SEX! gonna get CRUUUNK!
Dude: fuck this im out
A "Scene" kid is someone who is emo, but not depressed and into cutting themselves. They DON'T call themselfs scene, or else their poser. A typical scene boy is like this:
Hair-Long, choppy, usually covoring their eye(s). Some add color to it, some dont, it's their choice.
Clothes-Slim-fit band tees, skate shirts, V-necks, skinny jeans, usually black or a dark blue, but sometimes they can be bright colored or even zebra striped. Hats are sometimes worn, but your hair still needs to be in your face, your considered a "Skater" Skate shoes and/or converse are good.
Music-Unlike the myth that they listen to screamo, thats not true. Yes many of them do, but alot listen to "Techno Screamo" and some listen to rock bands like Iron Maiden and Led Zeppelin.
A typical scene girl is like this:
Hair-Long, obviously, not many girls have short hair. It's normally colored, and teased, aka poofy. They add bright colored headbands to their outfits too.
Clothes-Same as a guy, excpet they'll wear cute shirts like a "Whats your beef" shirt with a plate of food with faces on it. They also wear skirts, and flats as well as converse and skate shoes.
Music-Same as a guy
John-Look at those fags over there!
Joe-Their not fags, their scene, cant you see their tight clothes?
John-Still fags to me!!
A party/kickback/event/hangout/ literally the noun replacement of a party
Kid 1: Yo wya rn?
Kid 2: Me and my homies just pulled up on this valid scene