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punch a marlin in the rose bucket

Referencing something so old and outdated that it actually has no bearing on the debate.

1st person: "Trying to have an intelligent debate with you is useless! Its like attacking a bulwark with a buckler!"
Person 2: " Now you're just trying to punch a marlin in the rose bucket."

by goldfishshoals March 29, 2015

bucket of gay

A bucket of gay people, often depressed or emo. They will most likely laugh at your problems and then proceed to help

Dude1- omg it's a bucket of gay
Dude2- stay away there emo

by felicity.eira April 6, 2022

Water Bucket

A extremely useful iteam in Minecraft and Fortnite. It can save you in every single situation.

Water Bucket is cool

by Rumple_Stiltskins June 22, 2022

Kick the bucket

A farming phrase linked with starvation, whether you the milker of the animal or the animal itself kick the bucket the contents of value dispense to nothing and the recipient of the usually milk in this actual analogy goes hungry often the weakest or youngest such as babies with a limited amount of food they are able to eat making milk a primary necessary food source

When the cow kick the bucket after improperly grabbing its udder we all went hungry that day

by Wisconsin farmers March 14, 2022

Bucket Dick

An STD caught by a male cadet who has had sexual encounters with far too many trou, no cure is known and it is said to be terminal.

Cadet Y: I heard Jeremy got with another trou last night.

Cadet X: He better be careful or he'll get Bucket Dick

by TheCCQ March 24, 2009

skulch bucket

A container of food scraps meant to be thrown outside by the end of the day, either on the ground or in a compost bin.

The skulch bucket always fills up real fast on Thanksgiving, we have to throw it in the woods several times a day.

by 16poetisa January 19, 2023

bitch bucket

A helmet that is used exclusively for when people (usually females) "ride bitch" on your motorcycle. Usually an old or accident damaged helmet.

Yo dude, have you got your bitch bucket with you? There's this chick who totally wants to ride home with me!


I had a crash and now I have to replace my helmet, but on the bright side I have a new bitch bucket!

by VXRU5 February 6, 2023