When one feels so much for another and can’t express it as much as they try. You say it to the person that makes you happy, the person cherish most, the person you know will be there for you, your favorite person.
Girl: Baby, you mean everything to me. I heart you forever.
Boy: I heart you so much more
(verb) (noun) (adj) - To bring a organ of a sheep from the biology wing to the lunch room and leave it for others to mess with and get in trouble with.
1. Matt brought the Sheep's Heart to the lunch rooom and some of us got In-School-Restriction for being part of it.
2. That Sheep Heart really fucked us, now we're in trouble.
3. That thing was just like the Sheep Heart!
When you rip out a testicle while doing a Penis Flytrap and eat it.
P1:Hey man I now have a Chicken Heart
A pussy ass bitch who gets his heart broken over a stank pussy.
Antoine: "why are you crying in the corner Emanuel?"
Emanuel: "Aida left me, my heart aches so bad"
Antoine: "Man the fuck up bitch ass PUSSY HEART.. her pussy stank!"
Meaning to agree with someone’s point, seeing the logic behind someone else’s opinion/deluosions/rights and wrongs/ anything and everything someone does that you support and therefore is granted validation.
E.g - Slay, giving CUNT, your crushed it, awesome sauce , PREACH
And as it is being said it, one should also snap their fingers at least 3 times as a sign of approval 🫰🏻🫰🏻🫰🏻
Snaps Not Hearts
Friend 1: Today I turned 20! We means I can officially says I BEAT TEEN PREGNANCY
Friend 2: snaps nots hearts 🫰🏻 🫰🏻 🫰🏻, snap not hearts babe