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Vagina Insanity

A surprisingly unknown, yet common disease empirically proven to be linked to possessing a vagina. Symptoms include insanity, intense irrationality, the need to bitch incessantly, mood swings, stupidity to the point of mental retardation, low self esteem, belligerence, bad driving, and more. Unfortunately, this can be contracted by men in the form of stupidity, insanity, and belligerence.

Girl walks into room. Guy looks at her.
"What the fuck was that?!" - Girl
"What was what???" - Guy
"That look! You just gave me a look like I fucking disgust you or something!!!" - Girl
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!" - Guy
"Motherfucker! Get out!!!" - Girl

To friend:
"My girl has a serious case of the Vagina Insanity right now" - Guy

by Kenicke Powbanks October 22, 2008

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Vagina squeel

When a women's vagina queefs and it makes a loud squeeking noise.

Dude i met this one chick at this party and all the sudden her vagina squeeled.

by vinny101 August 31, 2011

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your boyfriend fancies himself so much, he's never noticed your love heart shape bikin-waxing for valentines lmao!
the only way to get him down on ya is if you fix a mirror to it!

Chic A:"OOOOh i had a good night last night when *insert name* come round!"
Chic B: "Wot? he finally wnet down on ya?"
Chic A: "Yeah and all it took was one of those little hand mirrors fixed to my ...."

by Trinkbar_Trina March 29, 2005

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penis in the vagina

Something obvious or something that everyone knows about.

It's called penis in the vagina because everyone knows about sex.

Guy to his friend: 8 times 9 is 72? Really?

Guy's friend: Wow. Penis in the vagina, dumbass.

by XoXo_ December 10, 2010

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Vagina Gossipper

When a normally cool male, starts acting like a sniveling little bitchy girl who spreads rumors.

Man 1: whassup wit u and kelsey?
VaginaGossiper: man shes a bitch. she dont like me cuz shes a lesbo

*vagina gossipper to whole school*: Kelseys a lesbo i saw her fingering another chick

man 1: dude stop bein a vagina gossipper.

by Original Slick Rick January 23, 2010

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Pruned Vagina

A wrinkly, old, barren, often damp vagina. Used as a term of endearment for old friends.

1. You my friend, are a pruned vagina.
2. Did you feel Jessica's pussy last night, dood?
Yea, but it was a pruned vagina, i mean, you just can't brown bag that shit, so i decided to just cuddle. I still got some head, though.

by Freakishly tall couple January 20, 2008

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Chamois Vagina

When a womans vagina hangs crusty and dry.. but the more wet it gets, the better it feels. Much like when drying a car with a crusty chamois .

My friends grandmothers Chamois Vagina drags like a dirty broom behind a janitor.. but after it gets soaked for a while it feels quite pleasurable

by PeteRulesTheDankshitDeluxe October 19, 2009

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