"What the H!" A line by our very own Grunkle Stan in the episode "The Love God" in the hit show "Gravity Falls". It is used when the famous "Nightmare Head" scene is shown where Grunkle Stan makes a hot-air balloon modeled after his head and on top of it saying "I HEART KIDS." No hes not a pedophile you dumbass.
Stan: "Let 'er rip!"
Meaning to let the balloon go.
Soos lets go of the ballon.
Soos: "Oh no! A let-er ripped!
The letter R falls down on Soos
Stan: "What the H!"
Proceeds to be crushed by a balloon letter H.
Causing the sign to say "I EAT KIDS." And conveniently the balloon caught fire making it known as "The Nightmare Head"
The saying WHAT THE BLOODY is from Swear bars favorite programme and favorite player Syed (Hashu) on The Circle , Series 3
after tally was blocked syed said what the bloddy
A polite way of saying "What the ****?" without actually saying the F word.
What the fudge is is going on?
3👍 1👎
what one is saying may not be exactly helpful / valuable / important/
(one does not want to appear arrogant)
For what it's worth - I'm sorry.
For what it's worth, I think you'd make a great dad.
For what it's worth, I don't think it was meant as an insult.
Here's my advice, for what it's worth.
What is dis/what dis is slang for what is this. (Insert meme here)
What is dis? Dis teh Urban Dictionary.
surprised by something unusual or weird or scary
BAE :i'm pregnant
BOYFRIEND :say what?!!!
the philosophical question of an era, pondered first by erin mae.
Smells like hotdogs and misery.
Why not what?
silky silky
Whatd you say
why not what?