A polite way of saying "What the ****?" without actually saying the F word.
What the fudge is is going on?
3đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž
“What the kel” is used for when you need a replacement for “what the hell” cuz why the fuck not
Though nobody is gonna use it, Kel himself came up with it. It’s dumb. - Aubrey
“What the kel? I forgot my wallet”
When someone visits ancient ruins and is overwhelmed by magnitude of the sights.
"Opa!!! What the Acropolis?!" exclaimed Nikki, gazing at the ruins in awe.
Either used after someone said something awkward or in order to break the silence in a group that suddenly turned silent.
* awkward silence *
Boy: What a life...
the philosophical question of an era, pondered first by erin mae.
Smells like hotdogs and misery.
Why not what?
silky silky
Whatd you say
why not what?
The saying WHAT THE BLOODY is from Swear bars favorite programme and favorite player Syed (Hashu) on The Circle , Series 3
after tally was blocked syed said what the bloddy
“what the mess” a term used mostly by the man himself gavin nelson !! he uses it because he cant say WHAT THE FUCK and needs a solution to the pain without cursing...
what the mess is wrong with you?