A school where most boys are pedos
Person 1: You go to the compton school?
Person 2: Yeah man
person 1: thats so peak ☠️☠️
person 2: yeah tbh the teachers wanna make me kms *cough* mr patel *cough*
If you go to Torrington High School, you know it’s Sex Headquarters because no one there is a virgin.
Prides itself on frequent Bomb Threats. So many of them happen, hardly anyone cares anymore. Fuck Connecticut!
There was a fucking BOMB THREAT at Torrington High School on Monday, April 4th, 2022.
When you and a partner mutually masterbate while looking each other in the eye. Be careful not to touch one another as this will no longer be the act of Sunday schooling.
Me and Carlie we're Sunday schooling last night at her house. You could say it's getting serious.
Some one attempting to appear innocent because of something they did and it was really bad
girl "oh i didnt know that was sex"
boy "but uve done it with 5 other guys"
g "but they never told me what we were doing was sex"
High School Block Out: When one with purpose hits the mental control/alt/delete to block out not so great memories or simply to remove clutter from the brain to store more useful information.
Another sentence scenario a former certain someone (name not to be mentioned) tries to friend you on FB and you receive this message "so and so wants to be your friend on FB" Reply "I'm sorry who are you again, I HSBO'd a shit load of ppl from HS and I can't seem to recall you, so you must have been deleted from my hard drive as being either A) unimportant or B) clutter; now which category do you fall under because now I'm going to have to dig up my yearbook".
In a sentence "Hey, do your remember me I was in Speech with you"? Me, "Umm, no I not only HSBO (High School Block Out) you, but I HSBO'd Speech Class altogether, now piss off".
Another scenario a former classmate tries to friend you on FB and you receive this message "so and so wants to be your friend on FB" Reply "I'm sorry who are you again, I HSBO'd a lot of ppl from HS and I can't seem to recall you, so you must have been deleted from my hard drive as being either A) unimportant or B) clutter; now which category do you fall under because now I'm going to have to dig up my yearbook".
eastland middle school is a school where the teachers don’t teach you shit and when you go to pee almost every girl in there is in the big stall vaping. It’s full of ugly ass guys and stupid ass girls.
girl:”what school do you go to”
other girl:”eastland middle school”
girl:” i bet you learn nothing in that ghetto school”
other girl:” true”