an adjective used to describe a shady or tricky bitch. used mainly for when you want to show someone how upset you are because of their tricky ways.
can also be a noun, being a person who is a sneaky snake.
gertrude: wow did you see what Hatter did to Jess?
kai: no, what happened?
gertrude: he broke up with her, then 2 days later hooked up with another girl.
kai: oh, i think the fuck not you trick ass bitch. he's gonna get a beating from me.
If you lie that you took screen shots of his dick your a truck ass bitch
The love of my life and mother of my children
Wow abi really is a “trick ass bitch” she’s so amazing
Is what you drown in when you can afford that business class
“If you can afford some business class, you can afford some business ass!” - Method Man from Soul Plane
A goofy ass school that just seems funky and like it is funded by McDonalds, no other way to describe it then, goofy school.
One-“My school is weird”
Me-“Yeah that’s one McDonalds funded ass school”
Origin Story: It is believed it was first used in 1982 When Glenn Schafer arrived in English class freshman year of high school after gym, and had not showered. His friend Steve asked where he'd been and he replied just got outta gym... then after he said I" feel like i have a swamp ass" to which steve started cracking up in the middle of class. As the story goes he used it term here and there but never heard anyone else use it until 10 years later, and when he heard it, he said hey thats my phrase, he was amazed how it took that long to get back around
just got outta gym... I" feel like i have swamp ass"