When your double penatrate her or his ass then put your head in it through the pussy abd play peekaboo with the audinece
I jacob went through gracies ass tunnel and played peekaboo with the audience
Adjective: To describe something repetitive, such as an article of clothing or a situation
« You always wearing that everyday-ass jacket with that everyday-ass black t-shirt »
Self-defined assbitch.
That talking voice
White ass bitch.
Shia so cute but sometimes he can be a lil bit suspect but Shia is cute so it weighs off and he pulls the sexiest girls
Used when you are just playing. This can be said after telling a friend a joke or when messing around with someone.
You can also use:
-Fondling in your ass
-Twiddling in your ass
This is not meant to be taken literally.
Me: I took a pregnancy test this morning.... it was positive.
Me: I'm just playing in your ass.
Ashlyn and Lindsay both fall into this category they can mist commonly be found munchin on hot cheetos and carring stanleys i belive they are restarted
That dumb ass yapper in the class of jalbert makes me want to kill myself
It's just never coming. The base game? It's good for a free rhythm game. The mods? They're alright, those are what have been keeping FNF alive this whole darn time! The community? The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
Jimmy: Yo, have you heard of Friday Night Funkin': The Full-Ass Game?
Jerry: Yep, it ain't coming out.