somebody that is super cool, often this phrase is used by mega cools.
cool guy yeah 1:OMG who is that she looks like a mega cool!!!
cool guy yeah 2:I'm such a cool
Someone who thinks there the shit and they think there better than everyone but really there just annoying aka this girl named Ava
U just say u have friends cuz u think your cool
A girl or woman, seen as good looking and hot, sometimes found sporting full sleeve tattoos and loved by many. Underlying this coolness exists the ability to knit, but to not look like one who knits, her coolness hiding her geeky ways. Very few in existence but have been sighted on the south coast of England but this has never been verified.
Wow, she's hot but she knits? That's one cool female geek!
ur as cool as an ikea hat
means ur like well cool
hey beth ur as cool as an ikea hat ngl
Whatever it means... some German Asshole said it.
Cool your firecracker
To really believe in something and get on board with an idea
I really drank the cool-aide after I heard about that non profit's mission
When a loser gets to college and gets to experience being cool for the first time.
Alex who is 5’6 has fucked 9 girls the first two weeks of school because he is “first time cool”
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