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sony haters are retards

You know sony roolz, scumbagsl ike you make me want to hate Sony Roolz.

sony roolz:WTF U LIK XCOX ADN GAYXCUB?!?!? LOLOLOL!!!!11 ur stoopd faggetard.

Intelligent person: Wow, are oyu that much of a close-minded fanboy that you post all this stupid shit about other consoles?

sony roolz: I AM RITE ADN U RONG. U SUK DIK!!!!!!!1

Itelligent person: why am I wasting my time arguing with this piece of shit?

by Xenomorph May 23, 2004

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let's get retarded

1. My personal battle cry.
2. See get retarted

I screemed let's get retarded and the boozie begain to fly, and soon Tyler was passed out in the van.

by Jimboozie November 4, 2003

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Ghetto Hood Retard

Ghetto Hood Retard aka GHR. Someone who is trashy and does trashy things like goes to the hookah, sleeps around, and starts stuff with everyone knowing they won't actually do anything. These people lack common sense and often try to turn there friends into GHR's as well.

Brittany a first time hookah goer met Alexandrya who is a Ghetto Hood Retard and within a week Brittany became a Ghetto Hood Retard.

by Ricky Khalifa May 30, 2011

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Classy retard

when the down Syndrome kid is wearing a real fancy shirt and is trying extra hard not to shit his pants.

Down Syndrome kid at fancy place or something: AUSUHFHF

Parents: wow he hasn't shit his pants or made a retard noise in almost 4 minutes! He's a classy retard!

by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020

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Retard laying movement

A movement that seeks to get retarded people layed or in other words to have sex because no one else will do it and they deserve sex like other people do.

He's in the retard laying movement.

by The Fury 13 January 29, 2011

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Retard Fish Frog

A Marine life-form that first came onto land on the Onslow County Beach grounds. Later they retard fish frogs began starting the podunk town of Jacksonville, NC.

Shane Bock and his family's decendants are Retard Fish Frogs. Any Jacksonville, NC born person.

by Sgt Gotcha Beach August 27, 2008

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Retarded Bieber Mode

The mode when Justin Bieber is drunk usually associated with an upside down head and actions like serenading old ladies naked

Uh oh Justin Bieber has entered retarded Bieber mode everyone panic!!!

by Epictailz June 8, 2017

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