A lego imitation of the classic story A Clockwork Orange. Why anyone would recreate a story about rape and delinquency through building blocks is beyond me.
Jeff: What the hell is a Blockwork Orange?
Joe: Some retard's parody of A Clockwork Orange through legos.
Jeff: At least they didn't' use Mega Blocks.
To do the impossible or to make a desperate situation turn out into something good.
His business was about to go bankrupt and nobody expected anything, but with his last money, he got a business coach, who helped him to orange the blue. 5 Years late his company sold for $3 billion.
Orange is sus in (Among us) they also lied to their girlfriend and promised IT WAS NOT them.
Orange is sus! They faked task = orange sus
An orange that you keep in your purse for an extended amount of time until it becomes it’s most powerful form
Wow Sofia, look how your purse orange has transformed!
After one gets a spray tan they get a facial immediately afterwards turning their skin into a frosted orange motif.
After she went to salon the only thing that could cool her down was a frosted orange.
a silly ahh video about a guy saying stay away from those oranges jack and then swinging his penis and then showing his ass to the screen and farting
yo bro have you seen the stay away from those oranges jack video
Every illegal Mexican in the place was terrified of Orange Mao.