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heart break

heart break is when you can’t sleep because you’re upset/crying. you don’t feel
happy or sad, you feel nothing. you don’t want to do anything. you have no energy. you don’t want to live anymore.

my first heart break was caused by my first love.

by truthhurts1008474 April 29, 2020

let me break it down for you mark

Let me break it down for you, Mark. Your mother and I have a relationship that's all about a master/slave dynamic. When I said she was more like a pet to me, I meant that in the most literal way possible. Remember that time you found a dog collar under the couch and I told you it's because we were getting a dog? That was a lie, son. Truthfully, your mom likes it when I put her on a leash and walk her around the backyard. She's usually naked, of course. I can't explain why, but the whole thing is her idea. She'll piss on trees, sleep in dog cages, chew up furniture -- she once took a full-sized, adult woman shit in my dockers. Your mother is one fucked-up slut, Mark. And I love her, but im not bringing that energy back to Viltrum with me. Frankly? She scares me sometimes. I don't know who molested her or how they did it, but there is some dark juju in that woman's head and I just dont know I'm strong enough to fuck it all away.

Omniman: Let Me Break It Down For You Mark...


by collegegrappler December 25, 2023

Break weird

The moment in a porno when things stop being a poorly acted and scripted movie, and becomes an A-list porn flick

Break weird in this movie came when danny d started grabbing titty instead of grabbing more food

by Your Uncle Bobbie Robbie January 15, 2022

Snoke Break

A sudden or unexpected break in work, attendance, or public appearances due to a crippling blow to one's social or professional standing due or the arrogance or carelessness or tactical misstep of the individual who is now missing or absent and unlikely to return. In other words, your ass got cut in half/defeated/chopped down to size in a stupid way and it's pretty much all your own fault and yer outta here.

All the "Me Toos" put Bill OReilly's ass on a Snoke Break. Fox says he's "taking time off" but it's a Snoke Break.

by WhatDoYouMeanYouPeople? May 30, 2018

Buck Breaking Flag

A gay pride flag with a brown line triangle on it. Representing the inclusion of blacks being sodomized,

That slaver got left-progressive one day and put up a pride flag in his honor. The Buck Breaking Flag.

by pornstitute July 28, 2024

4👍 3👎

break out with my snake out

when you're being made fun of and you have to stand up for yourself and show them hoes what your workin with you gotta break out with your snake out.

I was just chillin when someone said "man, I heard you had a tiny penis" and I said " Shit I'm bout ta break out with my snake out"

by Mister sister Mister January 23, 2010

Break Grounding

To disobey restrictions while grounded

Mom: Dang nabbit! Joe broke a grounding 2 times in a row.
Dad: Joe, you don't ever break grounding!

by JayMoneySpamsL2 April 28, 2021