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Gamer Taboos

Gamer Taboos are the backbone of the average gamer's life. If but one of these are broken, the gamer will never live up to his previous peak again. The Gamer Taboos are as follows:
1. Gamers may not speak to women
2. Gamers must avoid basic hygiene at all costs
3. Gamers may not traverse within 50 ft (~15 meters) of grass, unless financially necessary (Family related instances are not allowed, unless you are Vin Diesel in the flesh.)
4. Gamers must go to sleep at a time past midnight
5. Don't use Reddit (Use of Reddit for valuable information is allowed.)

Gamer 1 - "Ayo, brb. I'm finna take a shower."
Gamer 2 - "Nah bro, don't do it; that's one of the Gamer Taboos."
Person 1 (Formerly Gamer 1) - "Hell naw, that's gross as hell." *leaves*
Gamer 2 - "smh my head."

by Fillapulated July 21, 2021

Potato Gamer

This potato is better than all and will become king of all

It was a honor fighting with the potato gamer

by You but better January 13, 2021

gamer ear

The effect of sweat accumulating on your headset after playing for too long, as well as a temporary hearing loss due to setting the volume too high.

I played so much last night, I think I might end up with gamer ear.

by HiPeople MC October 5, 2020

40 year old gamer

Someone who is old still lives with their parents and bully's 12 yr old's online about not being good at yugioh duel links.

"My son is a 40 year old gamer"
"Oh god. im so sorry for you"

by WizzardLord September 4, 2021

The Epic Gamer

The Epic Gamer is when you're epically gaming online with and then suddenly you get a blowie outta nowhere like what

Guy1: Yo I was fighting Midir when my side bitch gave me The Epic Gamer
Guy2: Spicy

by Paper Lad November 1, 2019


A gamer which has evolved to an EPIC GAMER

Yo dude your an EPIC GAMER?!?!

by Yeetord February 14, 2020

Epic gamer

An epic gamer is a person who possesses great knowledge of video games.
Typically, an epic gamer will only plays video games that are:
- not played primarily by people under the age of 15
- not free-to-play
- not made by EA, Activision, or Epic Games
- difficult to beat
- available on Steam

A: Have you heard about the new Fortnite update?
B: I don't care about shit games for kids.
A: Wow, I didn't know you were an epic gamer...

by BlackWaltz April 20, 2019