Much similar to word of net the spreading of news via the internet, mainly social media, forums and messages. Commonly abbreviated to WOW.
I heard about that story through WOW (Word of Web)!
Speech which includes expletives.
The professor speech included destigmatized words. Everyone was shocked, but after the meeting most people started to laugh and talk with others using expletives such as "shit" and "fuck". Using some newly destigmatized words the presenter was able to get the attendees to comprehend the crisis better, and everyone was able to more effectively propose what may turn out to be better solutions.
the o word means ok
*creates thread*
guy 1: check this out!!
guy 2: ok
*gets banned*
Go add new words I need something to pass by class with.
I pressed the + New Word button.
a word created by someone when Spellcheck refuses to find the correct spelling for a desired word.
the author usually settles on using their spurred-word after numerous attempts of spelling have only resulted in the 'squiggly red line'
spellcheck refused to spell 'subtle' so i settled for my spurred-word, 'suttle'
A word that hasn't been defined yet on Urban Dictionary. These are EXTREMELY rare, as someone has either stole your idea, or you aren't creative enough.
Horny Teen 1: What are you doing?
Horny Teen 2: Trying to find an undefined word in the good ol' UD.
Horny Teen 1: Why?
Horny Teen 2: So I can define it, idiot!
The fact that the words individuals hear or read control the ways they think, feel, and act.
Human beings are directed by the words they hear or read, and also greatly influenced by the ways their parents, the members of their family, friends, neighbors, classmates behave, and by other role models, all of whom—intentionally or not—by example, intentionally or not, get others to do or not do the things they do. So, I am writing the lyrics to a song to word-direct as many people as possible.