A bougie beach club in Naples Florida; you have to live in the area to even think about joining the club; they throw amazing beach parties with DJs from Lollapalooza and other well known artists; it is one of the nicest neighborhoods to live in America, like a more understated version of palm beach.
"What's with all the security at the Port Royal Club today?"
"Oh, the governor is having breakfast there."
Women who only flirt with or date men who are "Hunks." They only have eyes for guys who are 250plbs plus, and hung! Because they don't thing other guys with more modest builds can satisfy them. They're wrong.
John; "Hey Joe, you see how she blew me off?"
Joe; "Don't take it personally, man. She's in the big bang club. Only likes big men to bang her hard...rough sex."
When you are sick in the hospital but have sex there any way
Now that I'm a member of the cripple Creek club, I get a discount for my hospital bill.
Skating Club of Boston, commonly referred to as SCOB, or Shitty Cunts of Boston, is a skating club in Norwood, Massachusetts. It is a beautiful 3-rink facility newly built in 2020, with a gym, lounge, cafe, and even gorgeous waterfall features that tend to appear every few months. These incredible waterfall features give the rink a nice and wet atmosphere, since water can leak from the exploding pipes. Also, the constant half-broken down walls give the otherwise warm and comfortable rink a modern and industrial feel.
Even though the ice and the facility are considered one of the best in the country, the ice is mostly shit and the clients get treated like prisoners. Does everybody else in the country want to skate at SCOB? yes. Do they know that everybody in SCOB is depressed and in therapy? not quite. Neither do they know that the management still has to pay $70m to the construction company. But that’s ok because they just got a new $700k camera system for the gym. SCOB is the place to be if you are looking for little backstabbing bitches who have no life or the perfect place for a cute mental breakdown.
You can also have an encounter with the bitchiest of them all: Ma! Guaranteed to improve your day.
Person 1: Did you hear that Lexi goes to the Skating Club of Boston?
Person 2: Yeah she really is a shitty cunt of boston.
Fat bunch of fucks who hang out and drink piss. Cook wicked bbqs though, dominate quiz nights and are chubby fit.
Membership requires one to be over 100kg, although exceptions apply.
No tunnels or midget need apply
Wife: what movie you wanna watch tonight?
Man: sorry, got an important meeting with the one ton club tonight, can't miss it.
At pub
Man 2: ah, shook the ball and chain?
Man: word, I ain't gonna miss seeing the bar chicks tonight! It's your round!
Lady: hey, you have the sex appeal of and 80s porn star
Lady 2: you look like a sexy Ryan Reynolds
Lady 3: weren't you on family feud?
Man: OTC represent
One that does not have sex often or at all
Zach U. Does not have sex often. He is the CEU of the Dry Dick Club
People who have been given road head while driving 100+ MPH
I joined the 100 mph club yesterday driving down I-94
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