A big baller who is great at basketball. Very nice, funny and legendary. He is the legend 27.
That's a great shot. He must be a Brandon Toth.
Personal life intruder
Absolute comedian
Complete opposite of a ladies man
Ohh that man is a bit of a Brandon Carr
A kind guy who likes pop-tarts.
Brandon Buckner is over there eating his pop-tarts.
The cutest and silliest man to ever roam the state of West Virginia. Born with the nicest voice and most holdable hands.
I love me some Brandon Elmer Skidmore!
A Brandon from class is a kid in your class who has a huge crush on you but goes about it completely the wrong way (stalks you, lies to you about what they're into)
Wow that kid asked me to blow him but I thought he was straight, he's such a Brandon from class
when you royally fuck something up and your name is Brandon
Brandon royally fucked up the groups face book poll by adding needless options pure Brandonism
when you royally fuck something and your name is Brandon
Brandon royally fucked up the face book poll by adding way to many needless options ....pure Brandonism