When your friend is watching hentai and you come up behind him and shove a 2tb usb drive of child porn up his ass
I gave him the old anime hot pocket.
Want to fuck animals instead of getting life skills
1) Who is that kissing a toucan
2) dont worry about it its an "animal student"
Saudi Arabian balloon animal- when a man has his penis tip glued shut and the woman chops down on both sides of the penis after the man attempted to ejaculate causing the penis to explode like a balloon animal.
I cheated on my girlfriend so while I was sleeping she gave me the Saudi Arabian balloon animal treatment.
slang for cutting of a genitalia.
A serial killer used a new animation.
Lit Up, Extra, High, Buzzing, Loud, Excited, Cartoonish, Busy, Jumping, Moving around, Dancing, Crazy, Wild, Letting Loose, Twerking, Jittering, Shaking, Caffeinated, Talking Too Much, etc.
“That Guy was Animated; I think he had Too much Caffeine this Morning!”
“That Lady was Hella Animated, in the Salon. I had to Say Something to Shut her Up!”
Anime baddies with Big Titties (๑╹ڡ╹)╭ ~ ♡
Afro: Wow did you see Akeno and Rias's breasts? they had some huge "Biddies" for sure!
Anime Biddies: large anime breasts
When someone in a relationship, continually talks to, or hangs out with someone to get all of the things they are missing in their unfullfilling relationship. This may sometimes lead to sex but instead of adultery, should be considered bestiality.
After a weekend with her bf, she spends the next 5 days with her emotional support animal, to get her self-esteem built back up.