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Last Call Bowl

A bowl pack of marijuana that is to be smoked before ending the smoke session. This is prominently the case before going to bed or ending the night.

"Hey guys, it's getting late, I'm gonna pack a last call bowl, anyone want in?"

by Someone_Who_Smokes_Weed December 28, 2012

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sleeves called in sick

When a person is wearing a tank top.

Jacob was wearing a tank top so his Sleeves Called in sick

by SadlerSnipes March 21, 2020

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So called girlfriend

His Definition: 'one foot in, one foot out kind of thing.'
Her Definition: 'you kinda are his girlfriend but then again he has his doubts about you being his actual girlfriend, so like, "ehhhh yea I guess your my girlfriend but when you wanna be a bitch you not mine for the time being!"'

Her example: "ehhhh yea I guess your my girlfriend but when you wanna be a bitch you not mine for the time being!"'
His example: "I've only had 2 so called girlfriends in my life."

by misssuzieq4280 December 2, 2021

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Oprah Calls That Empowerment

When someone does something, like an physical or verbal exchange to get back at the person that is pissing them off.

Person: Today, I finally told this bitch to shove it up her ass after she's been harassing me in front of my friends for weeks.

Friend Response: Oprah Calls That Empowerment

by Paula California July 6, 2014

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Call Of Duty Syndrome

Let's first break it down.
Call Of Duty:a popular video game
Call Of Duty (aka: Cod) is a game that, when played too much, can cause this syndrome. It's easy to spot someone with Call Of Duty Syndrome. And gamer who constantly gets frustrated at a video game because of, lag, an over powered weapon, poor game mechanics, yet never their own fault that they are doing poorly in the game. They also blame modding, and hacking and even if they like the hand they will say it's a terrible game because their doing poor. They also blame their team, however a bad team is a common frustration in gamers with and without cod syndrome.

Call Of Duty causes this because it often has lag, over powered weapons, and poor mechanics etc. so players tend to blame these things and use it as an excuse for doing poorly in any game.

People with Call Of Duty Syndrome often think they are good at every game because trick shotting, an unfortunate fate of cod, raises gamer ego even though it's purely luck getting a 360 ladder jump silent shot YY or some bullshit. Excuse my language, though if your looking this up your probably used to this language.

Gamer 1 (with symdrome): wow what an asshole using an overpowered weapon man I swear this game sucks!
Gamer 2 (without syndrome): You've played too much cod lately, you've got Call Of Duty Syndrome, you should stop playing it for a while.

by Gamerking July 7, 2014

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The Call of Duty Cycle

A cycle used to describe how the Call of Duty community works, how they spend their money, and how they reminisce of the old games they played that they once called the worst game in history.
Step 1: Person buys the newest Call of Duty game for $60
Step 2: Person plays the game for 6 months MAXIMUM
Step 3: Person starts to say how much a piece of shit the game they bought was
Step 4: Person complains on community forums
Step 5: Person reminisces about the last Call of Duty game they bought, the ones before it, and states how good they were.
Step 6: Person waits for the next game, in large hopes that the newest game in the franchise will be better than the last.
Step 7: Repeat.

Person: Dude. For the past years, I realized how much of a crappy title Call of Duty is. I spend around $120 a year plus DLC, rage about how unfinished the game is, and always say how the old games were better. No more of this nonsense! I'm going to get myself a girlfriend, have passionate sex with her, and get my life back on track!

Nosrep: Holy Crap. I think you're the first person I've ever seen exit The Call of Duty Cycle.

by X3n0 April 26, 2013

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Booty Call Standby

When a man or woman doesn't close the deal or commit to plans because he/she wants to keep their options open in case someone younger and hotter comes into their drunk or stoned field of vision.

Mostly men are notorious for this behavior but some women play this game too. Younger women in their 20's tend to like playing this game with the boys more than older woman who don't like being toyed with too much.

Jill wanted to go to the show, but made other plans for fear of rejection or appearing desperate aka COCK STALKER.

"Did you hear from that cute guy you liked last night or still on booty call standby?"

by Mattress Tester January 7, 2012

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