Source Code

shit faced

sooo drunk, high, outta it that u have NO idea whats happenin

he was too shit faced to remember the whole fight

by katie bahr February 4, 2003

702πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

shit fright

When one can't shit in public.

Paula: Yo Rachel let's go take a shit!
Rachel: Bro I can't shit here i have major shit fright...
Paula: Oh, thats rough. Let's hurry back to your place then.

by rachelalemany January 7, 2018

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

molly shits

after you do molly and you need to shit so bad it’ll make you run to the closest bathroom

dude after i did molly last night i woke up with crazy bad molly shits, almost wrecked my pants

by illfuckyourmom420 April 14, 2019

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Rainbows and Shit

Used to sum up an event, action or feeling as a whole.

That's full of bullshit and gayness.

(Not of the homosexual kind either)

Dude 1: I got a ticket today. Girlfriend broke up with me, I got fired from my job, and my Xbox 360 got RROD!

Dude 2: Wow bro your day sucked.

Dude 1: I know right? fucking Rainbows and shit.

by KnightimeX December 1, 2011

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The action of tickling someone so vigorously and relentlessly that they shit themselves from laughter. It is used to humble and humiliate people who hate being tickled.

"If you don't stop singing that stupid song, I'm going to shit-tickle you."

by movieman9040 March 7, 2009

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illegal shit

Usually consists of, but not limited to:
C heese P izza
exposing/discovering government secrets

breaking the law

Guy: Yo, you hear what happened to Doug the other day?
Man: No, what happened?
Guy: He did some illegal shit and the FBI party van paid him a visit.

by JonyBoi May 9, 2016

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having reached the stage of consuming an undefinable amount of alcohol that the world according to yourself seems either:
a) pretty damn sexy
b) very loud
c) uncontrolably unstable
d) all of the above
Most likely, once you have reached this stage, the enjoyment lasts only until you become in contact with someone that you saw/attempted to speak to that night.

John was so damn shit-faced that night he forgot the bad ass things he got into

by Drunken Joe October 3, 2006

89πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž