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Polish Top Hat

The act of using a latex or nitrile glove as a condom during intercourse, ejaculating inside of it, then placing it on top of another one's head. The end result making the victim somewhat resemble an angry rooster (said victim will probably chase you).

I gave my roommate a Polish Top Hat when I came back home seeing him passed out on the couch.

by Polish Top Hat May 14, 2012

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Indian Testicle Hat

A celebratory headpiece worn upon the sacrifice of a baby.
Commonly referred to as the ITH

Indian 1 "I went to a celebratory sacrifice today and was sure to wear my Indian Testicle Hat!"
Indian 2 "Good stuff"

by mohammedjihade January 15, 2010

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Tin Foil Hat Wearer

usually denoting some one as crazy. In later years to describe some one who usually believes everything is a conspiracy or illusion. Brought on by a belief that there is a invisible, intangible, army of Liberal Jew Communist, trying to control their mind with RF signals. So as a means of "defense" against the unreal onslaught against the LJCPMCM (Liberal Jew Communist Propaganda Mind Control Machine or media) they start covering their head with Tin Foil. Made famous by Mel Gibson, though mostly worn by the staff of the Fox News network.

Guy One: OMG, that guy must be out of his mind!

Guy two: Yeah, that is Bill O'Reilly for you, he is a total TIN FOIL HAT WEARER.

by god wears a tin foil hat July 20, 2008

51πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

go fuck your hat

Your a cluster fuck of stupidity.

Could you kindly go fuck your hat.

by Fat Tampon 5309 March 12, 2021

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

bass pro shop hat

In 2017 the bass pro shop hate has become the symbol of every fuck boy in highschool that thinks he's a pro Fisher men most of the time the kid who where's the Hat has hair that curls up around it like a female

"Yo Sam look Tarren got a bass pro shop hat "

"What a cuck, he doesn't even fish"

by Red neck 69 December 19, 2017

70πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Puerto Rican Fog Hat

It is fart spray that hits your partner in the face during 69.

I was enjoying a night with your mom when she hit me with a Puerto Rican Fog Hat. It put a cap on the night.

by Phat Daddi January 18, 2009

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Super duper magic hat

A super duper magic hat is where you place you penis in a woman’s vagina then while you are having sexual intercourse you put you’re hands in there stretching the vagina, you then proceed to stretch the vagina with things like, melons, shoes, bowling balls, bricks, printers and so forth, the next step is to grease u a dwarf not a midget a dwarf then place him in side this will act as a base, then you place you’re head in side and stand up wear the woman like a hat, finally you prompt the dwarf to do the YMCA dance, this will make the woman orgasm all down you’re face Wow why is Allah’s head so wet.
Osama Bin Laden: I herd he is giving out free super duper magic hats.
Saddam: sweet I want one
Osama Bin Laden: Really

A: Wow why is C's head so wet
B: I herd he is giving out free super duper magic hat

A: sweet I want one

by Billy bob goat June 13, 2009

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