A sexual position in which a woman is masturbating in the kitchen, and a dude walks in sad.
Coined by comedienne Liz Miele.
"Honey, make your own dinner. /Somebody/ has to do this."
You don’t know how to make someone happy? Just write them a definition here<3
(Urban Dictionary)
how to make someone happy - go do it!
Tomorrow is not any national day so stop being thirsty and trying to grab dick with these fake ass post
They are annoying and unnecessary Stop making these fake post @omg-taetae
an intense love for someone normally homosexual
When a man masturbates or strokes his penis to the point of ejaculation.
I am bored. I will stay home and make my mouse cry.
Things that make you want to vomit, such that you often get a small taste of vomit in the back of your throat.
When you see a picture of a Donald Trump pandering to the same Hispanics he called rapists and criminals, while also finding a way to self-promote his own business, it makes me wanna vom.
6th line of the song 'Never Gonna Give You Up' by Rick Astley.
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand