Isabella rose Garcia has a very common name.
Yet, an Isabella this Isabella can be a mix of a lot of things. They could also be gay and sad or have a mental disorder that they can’t do anything about. They usually get picked on by others and are friends of the weird kids, but they consider their friend group to mean the world to them maybe even like another family.
I say if what to ever tried a mess with this Isabella’s friends, you’re going to get threatened, or beaten up with her fists. She can be very stubborn and very persistent in certain situations. But she still a blast to be around and very creative when it comes to certain things. If you ever have a friend that has his name, be happy, you’re with them because someday they’re never gonna be around you again.
Person 1: hey is that Isabella rose Garcia with her weird friends?
Isabella: *She overheard that.* “Are you really sure that you want to get beat in the living fuck out of?”
Has a cool last name is the most swaggy gym teacher ever can kind of do a push up has a wife named Samtha an d two kids Tyler and Taylor
Coach rose is so swaggy I’m quaking
Your right
Dean Rose is a famous roleplayer that participates in wrestling roleplay on the xwf99 website.
He is regarded as the most charismatic roleplayers on the website, and is known for his great promo work.
fan 1: oh my god that was a great match
fan 2: it was ok but Dean Rose was the highlight of the show
fan 1: damn right
A HUGE FUCKING BITCH. She serves no purpose in life. Caused Hitler and Stalin. Feels no love at all and has a heart of solid ice. But overall a HUGE FUCKING BITCH
Dude 1: Man the chick last night was a huge Auburn Rose Jameson
Dude 2: Been there man, bitches be trippin
Sang-Rose is a little couple that hangs around at shops near schools. Sangwoo x Rose.
Aw look at the little couple over there near the shop, must be Sang-Rose!
A female name. Determination and passion are always her daily motifs. She is posessive in something she wants to get. She feels like she wanna die but she still have faith for herself, around her loved ones and god. We love a nice person ! 😂
"Whats the word of bad luck and graveyard?"
"Its 'Lilac Rose' ! "
mrs rose is a ges theaeaer she is nice and got twin no 1 no about
who we got next
ms rose lets go laz