Exactly what it sounds like: You're sending a message (usually a NSFW message to your girlfriend/boyfriend) and you realize that you should look before you send - Because that just went to someone whom you REALLY don't want to see it, usually your mother.
Hey babe, my parents aren't home. Let's do it tonight ;)
*5 seconds later*
"You're grounded, young man!"
When You ArE MoCKIng somEonE oR soMEThiNg And a FoRM of PrEssiNG SHifT A lot Of TIMEs
"i DON'T DRInk or eat ANYTHIng"
No I don't and 'nice using SARcAsTIC tExT'
Texting a member of the opposite sex, who is not one's spouse or partner, for the primary purpose of flirting.
Sue: That guy I bumped into at the bar just texted me three times to meet for a drink later. Bob keeps grabbing my phone to see who it is.
Mary: Well, you're hot, Girl! That won't be the first time you got caught having extramarital text.
Flirtatious or seductive phone texting or email to a person other than one's significant other.
Dude, my baby's lost interest in me. She's on that phone all the time. I think she's having extramarital text.
Yeah, Bro, I just got a booty text from her!
When your half asleep spitting fire in the DM and your Dream Texting turns into sexting. This new level of typed sexual genius is know as Wet Dream Texting. When this starts you better bust out the boots, there’s gunna be puddles.
Damn boo, I’m wet Dream texting right now. Hope your phone has a lifeproof.
Simulatiously texting a large number of women to whittle down the responses with the end goal of having selfish one-sided sex with a responder.
I was funnel texting last night....got 5 responders and ended up shagging Jessie again.
"text rejected"
When you send an extremley serious or meaningfull. text/sext and the person you're texting hasnt responded for over 10 minutes.
usually followed by re-texting the person you sent the text to and saying "yeah, my phone is dying anyways. gtg."
and acting like they were just about to text you back.
guy1: oh FUCK! Big bertha just sent me a sext!
guy2: big bertha? oh shit, what are you gonna do?
guy1: im gonna text-ject her... wait shes texting me again..oh apparently her phone is dying anway.
big bertha: damn, i totally got text-jected!