The given name of a hill in Australia whose name means "Where the devil urinates Hill" in the local tribal language.
Australian tour guide: "And here we have the infamous Mamungkukumparangkuntjungya Hill, which stands —"
Tourist: I'm sorry, sonny. Did you say "My mom's cucumber-rammed cunt junior?"
Ej Hill- Short like very short, super smart and when you get to know him he's actually very nice and caring, and he's also a fab brother ngl. He has very good basketball handles and can shoot deep 3's, he's also the CEO of wearing blue. But he does lie saying he has a gf when he actually doesn't because his friend told him to but other than that he's super chill and very hottt like very, very hot and short :0
Ej Hill likes to mess with my mind and very short.
The act of admiring another mans “genitalia”
I may be pulling a Tim Hill, but that dudes got a great package
Tittyfucking. Breast banging. Hooters Humping. Juggsfucking. Breasterbate
That big natural titty chick let me play a game of hide the hogg in the hills with her.
It means a man who fuck woman's pussy very hardly and gives a huge jerks to woman with only his dick.
She:- what a fucking hill!!!!! stop fucking otherwise my pussy can spoil.
(2) i never wants sex with you because you are fucking hell
A hill settled by 6 badass hombres with a plan. What started out as a one night game started a legacy of brothers unit for each other.... Others wish they could be a part of our family. but they can’t..... mother fucker.(later your ass)
The Hill ™️
When a girl from the Tile Hill region smokes too much in their young teens and are destined to end up having the face of Sarah Harding from Girls Aloud.
The Tile Hill Face: Eg. Of course the girl sitting on the back of the bus is a Tile Hill face, so mainstream, I didn't ask to see that today!