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maximum-boobs hug

What you attain by slipping yer arms underneath a chesty chick's armpits and then drawing her ample upper-body pillowz snugly up against yer own chest; this gives you total and completely-unrestricted access to said delightful warm plump pliable mammaries, and so you can really snuggle up to said bountiful treasures and super-savor her softness and her soothing heartbeat.

Giving a maximum-boobs hug to a cute sweet-faced chick who's "well-endowed upstairs" is indeed one of a nice guy's favorite and most pleasurable activities; just remember to be extra gentle and careful wif her oversize baby-feeders when canoodling wif her in this "totally submissive and vulnerable" way, since she will no longer have her own arms positioned in front of her to protectively nudge you backwards if you started accidentally pinching or squishing her tender delicate buxomness wif yer own chest or arms.

by QuacksO February 22, 2023

Alli Hug

the kind of hug that makes your worries fade away and restores your soul

Jake needed an Alli hug

by the amazing girl! March 16, 2019

Bunny hug

Canadian slang for sex

I bunny hugged that bitch

by Grusty Jones February 16, 2016

Thug hug

Giving your friend (this is for mainly black people) a hug/ pat on the back while you do it, which lasts for about 1 second

Matt : yo jake didnt rat me out to the teacher.
daniel: that deserves a real thug hug, man.

by 4 stocked February 6, 2015

Thug Hug

When youre a senior giving a freshman girl a hug and you squeeze extremely hard.

Guy #1: “Damn, Chad’s always squeezing freshman girls really hard”
Guy #2: “Yeah he a thug hugger fr”

by whatakawinkadink March 9, 2024

Give ur male friends a hug day

U have to give ur male friends a hug as a sign of ur friendship

Girl: “can I hug u? Its give ur male Friends a hug day.”

Guy: “ I guess I have to, I mean it's a national day.”

by Mister ur dad June 10, 2023

Hugging Shirt

A shirt designed to hug individuals in distress. Often, associated with individuals crying and needing to be comforted.

I apologize you failed your test, if you cry I’ll wear my best hugging shirt.

by Masterful1 May 10, 2023