Pretty much the greatest man on planet Earth
Christian LaCaze won the last four Nobel Peace Prizes.
Cody... I wrote a bible... Do you seriously think I don't know how a Christianity works? A 3rd of my screen time is apologetics and theology! What are you fucking talking about?
Shit-lib "They STOLE Christianity, guys! The only REALLY Christianity is whichever of the 40,000-55,000 denominations that don't conflict with my liberal social values!"
Hym "You know I wanted to add a 'DERRRR!' there, right? I wrote a bible Cody! The ULTIMATE hypertext! THE SUPER-OMEGA BIBLE SUPREME! In store now! $21.85! And that isn't a typo! There is only 1 store... That sells it! The ULTIMATE store! The only store than matters! You know the one!"
Christian schenkel is a sex offender
That meme is like... Literally the exact thing they're doing to me.
Hym "I had a woman come in to my job to tell me that I can't poison God and it's like... Yes I fucking can bitch! This has nothing to do with the Christian persecution complex but yeah... Exact same thing they're doing to me."
A badass that loves to eat, and can't be more crazy,he has no filter and is amazing at almost anything
It's a Christian knight
An amazing guy. He is loving, caring, and also funny! Christian McCalls are the best ! They will always treat their partner with so much respect and loyalty. Only Queens deserve Christian McCalls.
Girl : Is your boyfriend Christian McCall? You are the luckiest girl in the world