A slang expression used in response to embarrassing, and sometimes cringe, situations. The ending vowel sound is usually dragged out to emphasize some sympathy for the embarrassment.
“She went on a blind date, and the moment he saw her, he left!”
“Omg! Dryyyy!!”
“Omg, were waiting here for the elevator for a few minutes and someone else came along and then pressed the button. We didn’t even realize we didn’t press it!”
“Dryyy!! So embarrassing!”
“She was basically telling everyone she hated Smart Cars, and I drive a Smart Car!”
“Dryyyy! She’s totally making fun of you!”
To be drunk and high mixed together
"Man were gonna get to dry as fuck tonight "
when somebody does something you don't like or when you don't text someone as much as usual
"she dry wrong for that '' or '' our messages are dry''
Dry is a word that a person is cringe or very very... childish and to make ppl uncomfortable.
A male or female that cannot hold a conversation ,make shit awkward
Bruh jess dry as fuck all she text is hey and tru