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Word Cookies

It's a game, download it from the app store fool.

"Want to play Word Cookies with me?"

by Clorox-Bleach November 7, 2017

Filler word

They're, like, some words you uh... you throw them in when you don't know what to say. Used in the middle of sentences when... um... you're trying to think of a point. Common examples are "uh," "um," and "like." Overuse of them can, like, totally ruin the tone of sentences and make you look weird.

So, uh... this is the part where I, like, put a sentence that uses filler words... um... I can't really think of anything.

by SolarSystemGuy June 5, 2022

2👍 2👎

dope word

A dope word is word that mean more than one thing.

Slang words can change meanings with look the word punk or dope, a dope word can mean take or be taken or good or bad.

by Lurking Singh September 23, 2020

new word

new word lol

why did i even want a new word, bitch

by 69 years ago July 5, 2021

New Word

All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!

Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people personal information.
should include the new word being defined

by Trusted Guy August 26, 2022


I got penis warts

underneath my shorts
And I have a stick

That's called a dick

I have a NEW WORD

by LOLOLOLOLOL /John Wood November 9, 2022

New word

Type your definition here

Type an example of how its used in a sentance new word

by Seadtrek March 23, 2022