Erick is a very sexy man with a passion for fucking girls
Erick christian is so smashable
Toxic Christianity is the Bible’s own “toxic masculinity”. It’s basically the large and problematic group of christians (usually named Karen, or Sharol/some other shit like that) that think they are better than everyone because they live under “tHe GuiDaNcE oF gOd”. They will not hesitate to spout bible verses at you and shame you for being anything other than Christian.
Person 1: “Dude! Did you hear that Sharol was shaming insert name here for being agnostic?
Person 2: “That’s Toxic Christianity!”
You'll become Christian? What!? How!? By way of osmosis!? Maybe I gave you more credit than you deserve.
Hym "And what do you mean by that? If you spend enough time around Christianity you become Christian. Then how do you explain people like Matt Dillahunty? Or maybe... Yoi set up an environmental trap... Maybe mimic the delusions of reference associated with schizophrenia and torment the people into converting into your incest cult. They'd be like a grasshopper on concrete. And if Christianity is just this nebulous thing rhen what even is it? Eaching crackers once a week with your incest friends? If I eat crackers and drink wine am I a Christian, Alex? Does celebrating a PAGAN winter festival that Christians STOLE (which is a sin) make me a Christian or does it make me a Pagan?"
A boy with this full name is one of the funniest people you will ever meet. He is very funny and not to mention HOT, he’s really nice and will always be there for you. He is very popular and has lots of friends. Never reject a Noah.
Omg Noah Christian Park is soooooo 🥵!
Omg Ik!!
I’m going to ask him out today.
Oh no! 😱 They're going to make the gays NOT DO the thing the women are making ME not do... Whatever will we do!?
Hym "Oh no! The Christian Nationalists are coming to make women occasionally take a 9 month break from fucking all the fat-cocks instead of me! Whatever will we do!?"
A school dedicated for the education of Christian values. They center their education around the bible; the staff's mild sexism, covert racism, and blatant homophobic attitudes will truly make you feel right at home.
And even though the school is in a poor area, I can't think of a single time that there has been any outreach to struggling families. In fact, they dedicate most of their money to contribute to the impressive church, and haven't bothered to update any of the student facilities since 1994.
And they tried to cover up a girl getting raped by a janitor.
"I love how the bathrooms smell at Victory Christian School, and I've always felt respected by their staff."
"Haha, wait, are you being serious?"