A derogatory slur against white. Derives from Southern America.
You cracker! You're trash.
An extremely derogatory slur against white. Derives from Southern America.
You cracker! You're trash.
What people call me because my last name is Thacker.
When I eat crackers people say I am eating MYSELF.
(Walks into friends house)
A woman/man who is not mixed with any other ethnicities but white. It also means master and slave owner.
"There's a new Cracker in town" "man that is the whitest Cracker I've seen in a while"
a cracker a a slur for a white person to say similar to the n word
Racists white person who screams nigger at black people
Person 1: Hey there is a black person over there
A word most white people get offended by to show their white fragility.
White person 1: I don’t care if people call me a cracker.
White person 2: But you should because it’s racist!! It’s like calling a black person the n-slur!!!