the prettiest boy. very funny and knows how to treat a girl right. doesn't love school but goes because of his friends. you could get lost in his eyes for hours and his smile could convince u to do anything.
person 1: hey do u know that super attractive funny person who goes to our school?
person 2: oh you mean nathan battistella ?
person 1: yeah him
OHHH NATHAN your moms got it going on
🎶Nathan’s mom has got it going on, Nathan’s mom has got it going on🎶
a cunt <3
but he's my cunt back off.
"you don't need to nathan reids mine"
Better than Daryl, Dale and Kyle
Boy: Hey you heard of Daryl, Dale and Kyle?
Girl: Yeah fuck them Homos I want Nathan Crolla
An event and household full of grown ass men and no females.
Why is all these niggas in here and no hoes bro? Idk bro, I guess we at a Nathan Party
A secondary antagonist from Life Is Strange, he's often mischaracterized by the fandom, Literally a good rep of a mentally ill person but people doesn't care bc bro his a male. People often try to delete the fact he was a victim.
Nathan Prescott is so cute! Nah, he's a ugly rat...