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Can I see your basement?

Just someone asking to see a basement in your home. Nothing more.

Man & Woman
M: Hey, miss, you have a nice house.
W: Thanks.
M: Can I see your basement?
W: Sure, let's go to my house! I park my cars in my basement.

by chubby.cows April 5, 2019

cats can have little a salami

a phrase that informs the subject that cats can have little a salami

"did you know that cats can have little a salami"

by enzo_on_crack April 24, 2023

can i ask you a petro

another way of saying β€œcan i ask you a question”

friend 1: hey, can i ask you a petro?

friend 2: sure what’s up?
friend 3: what’s your favorite color?

by theriddler123 November 16, 2022

Can I borrow a feeling?

Can I borrow a feeling? is an expression people say to goths and emo-kids to feel good about themselves. Since most goths do not actually have feelings, the question is understood to be rhetorical. Since emo-kids have too many feelings, the question implies that the emo-kid is a way too caught up in his worthless life.

Dear Goth,
Can I borrow a feeling? Check one:

by Hodgson May 10, 2006

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I believe I can fly

Slang terminology for peeing on your partner for sexual gratification

Honey, quick -- to the bathtub, I believe I can fly!

by Mr_Krinkle March 26, 2009

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How Blue Can You Get

Standard blues song popularized by B.B. King. Has the following verse in it that everybody knows. (Anybody who has been listening to blues and knows their Mojo from their Baby, also please note that the song was performed most frequently in the 50s, when a 10 dollar dinner was pretty expensive)

"I gave you a brand new ford, you said 'I want a Cadillac.'
I bought you a ten dollar dinner, you said 'thanks for the snack'
I let you live in my penhouse, you said it was just a shack.
I gave you seven children, and now you wanna give 'em back! Oh how blue can you get?"

"How Blue can you Get" is perhaps B.B. Kings best work.

by Matt April 26, 2005

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catch me if you can

Imperative formor as a dare

A nicer way of telling someone, " stop being a stupid porchdog and at least try to give me a decent counter argument"

When you say catch me if you can to someone, you can't be considered a pundit because you know that the person you are talking to is indeed capable of having a coherent argument with you and is being lazy.

by Sexydimma March 7, 2021

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