a white country red neck that has a small penis with a ugly ass son.
A cracker with a baby penis named Billy Bob Clevland.
an dusty old red red neck with a ugly dick moby face ass son . Billy has a small penis thats bummy a'f.
Billy bob clevland that lame as cracker that dont fuck nun.
Billie is a girl that would try and steal ur boyfriend and she does not care about anybody’s feelings no matter what , she will 100% backstab you . She will act like she’s the victim when it’s all her fault something happens . She’s extremely fake .
Person 1 - Ugh I hate that girl
Person 2 - Why ?
Person 1 -Coz she’s a billie
Bille is the kind of person you want to be around. They might be a little obnoxious at times but you always come back to them because of their true heart and thoughtfulness for others. They will probably grow up to be a big celebrity or a therapist because of their amazing listening skills.
Billie is easy to frustrate but is a gentle and walm hearted person. She is the sexiest woman you will ever meet and has a big but and boobs.if you have a Billie in your life you are a lucky person she is a very good friend and will talk to you for hours.she can also act dumber than she is to make people laugh and smile and usually has a lot of friends and is always a shoulder to cry on.
Calli:that girl looks cool
Road:yeah she looks like a Billie
Someone who does no wrong. One that blames everyone else for her faults. One that manipulates the truth. One who will leave you for a needle junkie with burnt stumps(rotten ass teeth). Sack chaser.
Shit hear comes Billie put your dope up and your Pikeville teeth.
A particular femboy who is constantly high on shrooms and worships the blood god.
Enjoys human sacrifice with a nice spot of tea
person 1: "|Oi, there goes Billie."
*universe collapses*