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Pull the popes hat off

Another term for masterbation,wanking ect.

Alex dichello:Im gonna go pull the popes hat off.

by SOF'INFUNNY November 29, 2010

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Ass Hat Dip Shit

An incompetent idiot who frequently screws up and often forgets to do things.

The more appropriate version would be butt hat dip crap, it more friendly but just as offensive.

Kaite was an ass hat dip shit who kept forgeting to pick up her cord.

by the non ass hat dip shit July 6, 2012

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gordie howe hat trick

In ice hockey .....

a Gordie Howe Hat Trick is a variation on the hat-trick, wherein a player scores a goal, records an assist, and gets in a fight all in one game. It is named after Gordie Howe, well known for his skill at both scoring and fighting.

in a relationship .....

a Gordie Howe hat trick is getting into a fight with your significant other (usually provoked from her interrupting your sports game) , making up and then scoring a "goal" all in the space of televised sporting event

man, I scored my own " gordie Howe hat trick "while watching the HABS game last night

by stickyhole November 18, 2013

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Titus Young Hat Trick

The act of being arrested three times in one week, named for former Detroit Lions WR Titus Young.

Guy 1: Dude did you hear about Steve?

Guy 2: Yeah, he got arrested twice already this week!

Guy 1: Hey look, the police are arresting someone!

Guy 2: Yup, it's Steve.

Guy 1: It's the Titus Young Hat Trick!

by GucciMeme May 12, 2013

West Leyden top hat

When you defecate in a person's hat and leave it on their porch to discover.

Give him/her a West Leyden top hat tonight

by todd_jason December 6, 2019

What a shocking bad hat!

Victorian slang. Often used by street urchins before knocking your hat into the gutter.

"What a shocking bad hat!" shouted the boy, knocking the young ladies' hat into the gutter. "Velocipede squad, after him!" She shouted.

by Dupliciglot June 15, 2015

Grand Poo-Bah Hat

A hat worn by the Grand Poo-Bah that is so distracting that there plot to take over the world goes unnoticed.

Brain always wears his Grand Poo-Bah Hat .
Pinky: What are we doing today Brain?
Brain: The same thing we do everyday Pinky"Try to take Over the World"

by Elevatedthought June 29, 2015