a very amazing book trilogy that deserves film adaptations which is about two brothers that basically save the world while dealing with their own shit all cause of their dad
swag person- “do you like take me home?”
even cooler person- “yes I want a film of it.”
the song you listen to when u want to mentally heal yourself but also if you want to emotionally destroy yourself.
"somebody take me home. i don't want to be alone every night. take me to the place of my dreams."
"hey have you listened to take me home by ateez? it's one of their best B-sides !"
Essentially getting with the most hideous out of a group of potential mates. Typically used in male circles about women, calling this individual the grenade. Doing this would allow for friends to get some.
You'd really be taking one for the team man.
The Weeknd’s latest song as of the time this is uploaded,from his upcoming album.
yo have you listened to Take My Breath yet?
Yeee absolute banger.
When playing cards or being served something that one doesn’t wish. Reply. ‘I‘ll take a Pasadena on that’.
I’ll take a Pasadena on that, means the same as pass.
Instead of just a pass, one would say this.
I’m good with my hand. I’ll take a Pasadena.
No thanks, I’ll take a Pasadena on the ‘Do it yourself Appendectomy Kit’!
To view a received picture or video for a second time on Snapchat.
The Vegan cinnamon roll picture that Cullen Snapped Autumn looked so delicious, she did a virtual double-take.
Falling asleep public transit and waking up cuddling with a homeless guy whos actually kind of a sweetheart.
A:Did you make it home safe
B:I actually ended up taking a greyhound to Tucson