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Canadian Shaggy Spy Ezekiel Evan who is obsessed with knights

The Canadian Shaggy Spy Ezekiel Evan who is obsessed with knights is a person who turns 15 tomorrow and still praises the sun because they are simply an Evan

OMG you are SUCH a Canadian Shaggy Spy Ezekiel Evan who is obsessed with knights 😱😱😱

by TKM06 July 6, 2021

Canadian Maplefucking

The act of filling a male's asshole with maple syrup while rubbing his moose knuckle at the same time, usually with a "Y" hand shape to represent antlers.

Canadian 1: "Did you hear that gilbert did some Canadian Maplefucking last night?"


by Grogon January 30, 2025

Canadian Nibble

when you offer someone a BITE or Sip of something and they go ahead and eat/drink the entire thing

Hey want a bite of my ice cream?
Sure - eats the entire thing
I didn't mean a Canadian nibble


Want a sip of my drink?
Sure - drinks it all
Wow way to take a Canadian Nibble


the response from the person who take the Canadian Nibble can be "Thanks for the Canadian Nibble"

by TheLemon15 March 13, 2013

canadian nookie

Flying from another country to Canada to receive sexual intercourse.

New fad for people to blow large sums of money on airline tickets and fly to another country instead of running the risk of being seen with escorts, hookers, or prostitues

Did you hear who got some "Canadian nookie" last month?!?!

(Insert name) just got some "Canadian nookie" last weekend

by Poon slayer69 March 29, 2015

Canadian tunnel digger

The act of inserting a double sided dilo Fully into your anus then then sitting on your partner's ass. Anus to anus and forcibly pushing it into theirs.

Bobby wanted to experiment my favorite move so i pulled out the old Canadian tunnel digger he was a big fan but hasn't really walked right since.

by J0hn wick May 20, 2022

Canadian dustbuster

Giving any wild animal a blowjob

Do you want to go give that Moose a Canadian dustbuster, Eh

by Hecooliguess April 17, 2016

Canadian jack

Mixing half jack Daniels and canadian mist to make one

Man I was bent last night, too much Canadian jack

by Ghettogodfather March 18, 2017