Pronunciation: Ay-Chow-ær
The hour long session of creative genius in which one has high thoughts and shower simultaneously.
“Bro I had a craaazy H-Hour when I got home from our sesh.”
A Sunday-services attendant whose purported task is merely to see to da needs of da parishioners, but whose real job is to quell noisy stir-crazy children who would much rather be playing outside in da fresh air and sunshine, rather than being compelled to sit still and keep quiet inside a stuffy musty meeting-hall for two hours.
If churches would offer more-generous helpings of ice cream and/or an erectory as incentives to attend their boring sawdusty-dry sermons, there would likely be less need for church (h)ushers to be on hand to deal with crankily-impatient youngsters and teenage boys.
a spaced-out version of bruh. used to indicate an absolute bruh momment
one guy: hey i got an a+
me: b r u h everyone knows that
Speech often used by people as a joke to mean a disappointment usually from discord
B R U H.