(n) a significant other of questionable bedroom skills who is trying to sexually duck out on you for a new, inexperienced partner
I can believe he’s talking to high school girls again. I need to drop that duck boo.
Said of one who looks/is stupid or feels dumb.
i don't think i would ever meet someone who take the place of boo boo the ultimate fool like @blazedflatline
a frankie bee boo bear is a really good friend who cares about everyone and accepts you no matter what, they also refuse to send feet pics because they are stubborn
"dude he wouldn't send me toe pics" "that's because he's a frankie bee boo bear"
A name for someone named Zahli.
Example: Hey Zahli Boo Boo, how are you?
Example: Hey Zahli Boo Boo, how are you?
A peek-a-boo is a nice way of calling a boy a hoe
Girl! He a peek-a-boo he was just talking to u yesterday and now he wit keke!
When a guys who can't stay hard. When he can't keep it hard Everytime you touch it it dies.
Oh how cute peek-a-boo dick I didn't no we were playing a game today.
bro have you listened to red velvets best titletrack today
no peek-a-boo