The act of putting out your cigarette in front of a fan and watching the sparks fly across your carpet.
Don't want a Canadian "wildfire" starting in your living room
The informal name often attributed to one who satisfies both 1) being from Canada (often Ontario), and 2) often partaking in replacing full balanced meals with Cap'n Crunch® cereal and creepy bagged milk.
What's all the fuss aboot? Aye, must be another Canadian Cap'n on lunch break!
(Adjective)- combination of Canadian and blonde, in terms of their below average IQ. Combining them together is used to heavily emphasize lack of common sense.
person 1- you are such a blonde, because you cannot understand something so simple
person 2- well, I may be a blonde, but at least I'm not a Canadian
person 3- Be quiet, both of you are Canadian blondes
A Canadian Candle is a candle who was born in Canada. They sometimes are born in different places and go to Canada, there’s only one real CC that appears ever 100 years. They’re friends with Canadian Dino ‘s helicopters bees snakes and anything you can think of!
the girl that wears the short basketball shorts, possibly from the men’s section, always has her hair in a bun and a old ass car (most likely a subaru) always has a double double straight from tim’s and think she’s the hottest shit with all her flannels.
Hey! you remember that lesbian Canadian we saw at tim’s yesterday?
A camp located in Temagami, Ontario. The campers at this sleep away are said to have big dick, and a large sex drive.
“The campers at Canadian Adventure Camp are hot.”
The sexual act of vomiting into your partners mouth and them returning it via spit into their rectum
Janice was so hot last night we ate Mexican and she gave me a Canadian oil rig I came hard.