Getting into shady stuff, and feeling contempt at the same time.
I sent for a trip this weekend, and we got into a lot of dark masti.
Typically a tall black guy with the name of Reginald who is similiar in color to charcoal.
The large quantity of information, time, and effort wasted in large bureaucratic organizations to fulfill petty changes that will likely never come into use.
The dark fiber at Advance Auto Parts cost the company millions in capital per year.
another name for a very loose vagina
i'm going to enter the tunnel of darkness, hope i can find my way out
the act of shitting directly into another persons asshole
john gave jill the tunnel of darkness
A stupidly fucking overpriced sword in blox fruits which the first ability is ok but the second ability is so mid like how the fuck are u gonna like hit someone with dark air slash bro it travels slower than magma floor bruv
"Hey I'm gonna buy dark blade!"
"Good luck with pvp nigger"
The best Persiseant World experience out of all the NWN servers in existence.
I tried all those other servers like Avlis and Mythos, but none were so good as Dark Century.