Source Code

dead man fucking

When you do something to your girl (like cheat on her) and you have to get one last fuck with her before she finds out and kicks you out.
Reference to: dead man walking, the name given to prisoners on death row right before they are executed

Oh man, I fucked up... I better start dead man fucking before Shelly finds out...

by BlaineRick March 24, 2015

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dead-end evolution


Those who choose Homosexuality for themselves cannot procreate: two men cannot create a child, two women cannot create a child. Sexually abusing others into homosexuality is not sexual reproduction. As dead-end evolution queers' poor moral choices are on the rise. Protect your children!

by Nature Abhors Homosexuality June 11, 2013

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dead presidents day

Pay day

Finally my favorite day of the week, dead presidents day.

by gorge washingtons October 11, 2011

dead window painting

Art drawn on Windows windows that have stopped responding by dragging another window over the dead window. Results in multiple copies of the dragged window and if dragged artistically can be very saddening when the dead window starts responding again.

- "Hey, that's some sweet Dead Window Painting you have there."
- "Ya, I hope my boss sees all the time wasted waiting for this stupid Dell Hell machine."

by austinhaws September 4, 2008

Dead Animal Pickup

When a woman goes out on a blind date, this is the number that she gives her date if he is a total bore.

Also a phone number to call when you see a dead animal lying in the middle of the street.

Rufus: Hey Mandy, baby...you are so hot!!! May I have your phone number?

Mandy: Um...sure, here it is (as she gives him the number for dead animal pickup instead)

by merryprankster1963 March 10, 2007

Dead Mans Stand

When you know youre so utterly fucked in a strategy game, you dont even move your units in utter defeat, and watch your units get slaughtered.

Player: Holy shit...I literally cant do anything to stop this.
Opponent: he knows hes fucked, looks like hes gone into a Dead Mans Stand

by Ryanblox September 23, 2020

Dead Money DLC

A dlc in the game Fallout New Vegas that is only started from going to a creepy BOS bunker. The DLC will cause a bomb collar to be strapped to your neck from a crazed man named Father Elijah. Forcing you to work together with a Super Mutant, a mute, and a cheater. Working with these deadly victims to open a vault filled with gold in the Sierra Madre Casino. However this casino is only guarded by ghost-gas-masked-mutated workers that like to throw spears and use bear traps. Unknown anything about them because they don't speak at all. This crazy old man will trick you and the rest of your collared-buddies to work together to get the gold. Typically one collared-friend dying will lead to your collar exploding as well. Not to mention invincible holograms that can laser you in this dlc. Also any weapon you had on you is now gone until you complete the DLC. Stealing all the gold and keeping it away from Father Elijah is hard. Because getting there isn't the hard part... it's letting go.

Friend: Hey did you play the Dead Money DLC?
Me: Yeah...
Friend: I can't seem to get the gold bars from the casino.
Me: Well its more of just-letting go...

by TexasRed May 23, 2019